
Stewardship Poster Contest

By Paxton Elmore Sep 9, 2021 | 2:54 PM

The Cumberland County Soil Conservation District (SCD) is sponsoring a Soil and Water Stewardship Poster Contest. The theme for this year’s contest is “Healthy Forests: Healthy Communities”. The theme encourages citizens, schools and communities to think about how important the trees and forests are to us and how they impact our everyday lives. Students can express their ideas about the importance of forests through their art.

Cash prizes will be awarded to the local winners. Awards will be presented at the SCD’s Annual Awards Dinner in November. The winner in each category will be submitted to the Tennessee Association of Conservation District’s State Contest. The deadline to submit posters to the SCD Office is October 27, 2021.

Rules of the contest can be obtained from the SCD Office by calling 931-484-5442, ext. 3 or email lynn.carey@tn.nacdnet.net. Another source of information is the Cumberland County Soil Conservation District’s Facebook page (@ CumberlandCoSCD)