
TDOT Holds Groundbreaking Ceremony for SR-136 South Jefferson Avenue Project in Cookeville, Putnam County

By Ronni Chase Oct 12, 2021 | 6:10 PM

On Tuesday, the Tennessee Department of Transportation held a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the beginning of the State Route 136/South Jefferson Avenue improvement project in the Cookeville community in Putnam County, Tennessee.  This 2.3-mile project extends from north of the SR-111 interchange to south of the I-40 interchange. Improvements include widening the 2-lane roadway to 5-lanes (2-lanes each direction with a dedicated center turn lane) and the addition of a 4-foot shoulder in both directions. Drivers will also benefit from improved drainage systems, streetlights, traffic signals, sidewalks, and curb-and-gutter throughout.  The contractor for the $39.6 million dollar project is Rogers Group, Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee.

Senator Paul Bailey (R-Sparta) and Representative Ryan Williams (R-Cookeville) represent Putnam County in the Tennessee General Assembly.