
Rockwood Native Completes Successful Assignment Aboard Oldest Commissioned Warship Afloat: USS Constitution

By Peg Broadcasting News May 19, 2022 | 11:44 AM

Rockwood, Tennessee, native, Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Alix Powell, bid farewell on May 19, 2022 to the officers and crew after completing a successful, 3-year tour aboard the oldest commissioned warship afloat, the USS Constitution.

USS Constitution played a crucial role in the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812, actively defending sea lanes from 1797 to 1855. The ship earned the nickname of Old Ironsides during the war of 1812 after British cannonballs were seen bouncing off the ship’s wooden hull.   All prospective crewmembers must meet a high standard of sustained excellence to be selected for the ship’s mission of promoting the Navy’s history, maritime heritage, and raising awareness of the importance of a sustained naval presence.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” said Powell, who is a 2014 graduate of Rockwood High School.  He served in the Navy for 8 years and his previous duty station was USS Mahan.

(Photo Alix Powell, courtesy Navy Office of Community Outreach. Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Alec Kramer USS Constitution Public Affairs, edited by Peg Broadcasting)