
City of Crossville Moves Foward With Indoor Rec Facility

By Peg Broadcasting News May 14, 2024 | 8:16 PM

After a lengthy public comment session, the Crossville City Council voted down a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Rob Harrison that would have put the question of an indoor recreation facility to city voters. Prior to making the motion, Harrison said he was in favor of the facility and felt that, based on sales tax revenue for the past 35 years, the city could easily handle the debt, but this would be one of the largest projects ever undertaken by the city and he would like to see a referendum. Council Member Mike Turner agreed and made the second for the motion. Council members Art Gernt and Scot Shanks expressed opposition to a referendum with Shanks stating the city was in excellent financial shape. The motion failed in a 2-3 vote. Afterwards, council unanimously approved a motion on a Memorandum of Understanding with the YMCA, as well as motions to sell the proposed rec facility property to the Sports Authority, a motion to begin the process of issuing bonds and to proceed with construction documents.