At least four weather-related fatalities had been reported in East Tennessee as of Sunday night.
Sunday evening, Cocke County Mayor Rob Mathis said two people have died there from flooding. Mayor Mathis said all missing people in Cocke County have been accounted for.
The Tennessee Department of Health has also confirmed two weather-related fatalities. One in Johnson County and one in Unicoi County.
TEMA’s Flash Report Sunday afternoon stated at least 153 are still missing; 62 are missing in Washington County, 4 in Johnson County, 47 in Unicoi County and 40 people missing in other surrounding counties.
The Tennessee Department of Transportation has inspected over 100 bridges with hundreds more to go. Five bridges are completely gone and 14 state bridges were closed as of Sunday. Twenty-seven sections of TDOT roadways are also closed and debris removal is ongoing.
TDOT is working with the North Carolina Department of Transportation in re-opening two sections on I-40 that washed out near the state line. One is on the Tennessee side and the other is in North Carolina. TDOT is also working to repair I-26 and State Route 81 in Unicoi and Washington Counties.
Officials said motorists should check the TDOT Smartway traffic map before heading out, especially to East Tennessee.