
2021-2022 Tennessee Blue Book Available Now

By Ronni Chase Jan 13, 2022 | 2:38 PM

The 2021-2022 Tennessee Blue Book, the definitive manual on Tennessee State Government, is now available for Tennessee residents.

Published every two years by the Secretary of State’s office, the Tennessee Blue Book features detailed information about all three branches of state government, Tennessee history, biographies of elected and appointed state officials, census data, election statistics and more.

Tennesseans can request a copy of the Blue Book free of charge through their representative in the General Assembly or the Secretary of State’s Division of Publications by email publications.information@tn.gov, phone 615-741-2650 or online at sos.tn.gov/bluebook-request.

View past editions of the Tennessee Blue Book online at sos.tn.gov/blue-book.